Aylesbury Fairway Royal Arch Chapter
Next meeting: Wednesday 1st March 2023.
In 2017 it was agreed that the Royal Arch Chapters associated with Aylesbury Lodge and Fairway Lodge should merge, and take the name of the Aylesbury Fairway Chapter.
Warrant of Aylesbury Chapter, dated 5th February 1947.
Certificate of Amalgamation, dated 8th November 2017.
The inauguration meeting of the newly-formed Chapter was held on the 11th April 2018 and was honoured by the presence of the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E Comp John Keeble, together with many distinguished Provincial Grand Officers.
The celebration ceremony of Amalgamation was undertaken with the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent occupying the 1st Principal’s Chair. E Comp John Stribling, 2nd Prov. Grand Principal, occupied the 2nd Principal’s chair and E Comp Richard Reano, 3rd Prov. Grand Principal, occupied the 3rd Principal’s chair.
Aylesbury Fairway is a very friendly and progressive Chapter, and with its members largely drawn from the original Aylesbury and Fairway Chapters, it provides a perfect opportunity for Companions from the two 'mother' Lodges to meet outside the Craft environment. The Chapter is an independent body, however, and membership is certainly not limited to those two Lodges. The Chapter will always welcome new members and all Master Masons are encouraged to consider becoming Companions of the Holy Royal Arch.
The Chapter meets at the Masonic Hall, Aylesbury, on the first Wednesdays in March, June and September.
Here are links to the Scribe Ezra (i.e. Secretary) of Aylesbury Fairway Chapter, who will be delighted to answer your questions, and to the Chapter's own website. Reach them using the buttons below.