A tale of an ancient Master Mason
The Old Town Hall at Brno, Czech Republic
In 1511, when the Old Town Hall at Brno in today's Czech Republic was being built, the aldermen sent for a well known stonemason who had served his apprenticeship with the most famous masters of Prague, wanting him to build a perfect and unique town hall. Pilgram, which was the master's name, was promised a wage of three pounds of silver for himself, some other money for his workers and for the building material. Then he began work. After a period of time Pilgram asked for an advance payment from the aldermen. They were uncomfortable with this, and did not want to give out a single penny before the Town Hall was completed. This enraged the master. First he tried to come to terms with the decision of the lords but, realising that he would not succeed, he changed his mind. He instructed his stone-cutters to make the highest pinnacle on the portal crooked. People from all over the city came to have a look at the twisted pinnacle. The aldermen then called upon him and ordered the immediate repair of the pinnacle. Pilgram however merely smiled and said: "Dear Lords, your words have been just as crooked as the pinnacle on the portal, and so no one can ever rectify it. Forever it shall reveal to the world how perfidious you were." Before they could respond he was gone. In vain they searched for him far and wide, and it is said that he left for Vienna where he demonstrated his skills in St. Stephen's Cathedral. The fine portal is still admired by all those who pass the Town Hall. Many do not know, however, why the central pinnacle is twisted.
MORAL: Don't mess with a master craftsman !